Keeping Up with the Jonzee still at the right spot.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The ole' notebook

I have a prayer notebook. I started it after having a heart-to-heart with one of my line sisters. She said write it down, be specific. Ask for it. Believe it will happen. And keep moving. ( I think she got this from Dennis that guy) It will give you focus and reaffirm your faithfulness. It made sense so I did. So many things God has blessed me with since I started to focus these thoughts.

I need to keep up with what I started. Its time to get real detailed about what I hope to happen in the upcoming school year and after graduation.Lord, knows that I won't get it out properly unless I write it down.

See usually I just talk to Him like he is sitting in the passenger seat of my car with me. Yes, some times out load. And I usually have a great deal to say. I used to wonder if He was waiting for me to shut up, but I doubt it.

I may not make it to church every Sunday, but these conversations I am pretty diligent about.

I have a difficult time with formal prayer. And sometimes I think you have to be formal and organized to make sure you are really specific about what you need and what you hope. Otherwise...we know He's got jokes. But when it comes to formal prayer, I get distracted pretty easily. I went to Catholic School so i can say the Hail Mary and even the Stations of the Cross without a problem (okay maybe a little help with the stations), but when it comes to getting down on my knees at the end of the day...unless I am at Church...its going to be a long and distracting journey. My mind starts wandering and I don't finish my prayer thought. I move on to the next one and then i say 'oh yeah, what was I talking about.

Its really no different than who I am during the day. So much to say. Maybe thats why I talk so fast. I don't want folks minds to wander off as I formulate what might be a lengthy thought. Hence the *blank stare*, I sometimes get from people who don't know me well.

Lately, I've been trying to do it the good ole' fashion way. It worked for maybe two weeks. But I caught myself getting distracted again. I seriously think I have ADD--but I digress.

Yeah, Lucy's got some praying to do. And me and the notebook need to get reacquainted.


  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Jameil said…

    you gotta do it how it works for you. don't force the "official" prayer. He's listening either way.

  • At 3:26 PM, Blogger Athanasius said…

    One of the main reasons why I so despise churcheese is because it discourages people in their walk with Christ. "I can't pray like that so I obviously can't pray!" I was raised in the church but I was 25 before I found out what a cooling board was.

    Oooooooooooh Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd, I thank you that my bed wasn't my coolin' board!

    Oooooooooooh Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd, you're a father to the fatherless and a mother to the motherless.

    Oooooooooooh Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd, you're a bridge over troubled waters.

    Oooooooooooh Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!

    Prayer is nothing more than a conversation with God - anyone can do it and no preset forms are required. Much of what we see on Sunday mornings is performance art, not prayer.


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